At what time is it best to publish photos on Instagram?
You want to reach the largest audience possible on Instagram? Post at specific times! Then you can be sure that your photos won't get lost among dozens of other content. What are the best times of day to add photos to this social media platform? Let's check it out! When to add photos on Instagram? If you want to increase your Instagram audience, pay attention to the times when you publish content. The times of day that are best for posting may vary depending on the day of the week. Users tend to reach for their phones at different times each day. For example, their activity may be lower on Friday and Saturday evenings than on Saturday mornings or around noon on Sunday. When to post on Insta according to experts? A good time to post is during lunchtime – between 11:00 and 13:00 – and in the evening – from 19:00 to 21:00. Many people also browse Instagram between 14:00 and 15:00. Best Hours – Instagram The aforementioned time intervals are general times of day specified by specialists. Let's take a closer look at them. By observing the behavior of Instagram users, it can be noted that posts published receive the most interactions: on Mondays between 11:00 and 17:00; on Tuesdays around 5:00 and between 9:00 and 18:00; on Wednesdays around 5:00, 11:00, and 15:00; on Thursdays around 5:00 and 11:00 and between 15:00 and 16:00; on Fridays around 5:00 and between 9:00 and 16:00; on Saturdays around 11:00 on Sundays between 10:00 and 14:00. You already know what time is best to post a photo on Instagram. But where did these specific times come from? Just take a look at your daily routine on each day of the week – the answer will become apparent. Many people reach for their phones and browse social media early in the morning right after waking up. However, Monday mornings are usually not as calm as those in the following days – then the activity on Instagram is much lower. Lunchtime, dinner time, and late afternoon after work are other times of day when we have a moment to browse social media. On Saturday afternoons, we are often busy, but before 12:00, we usually have time for a quiet coffee with Instagram. Not only the time of day, i.e., when to post on Instagram When posting content on Instagram, pay attention not only to the time when you are active. It also matters what day it is currently. Users show different activity on weekdays, when they go to work or school, and on weekends – weekends, holidays, vacations, etc. On holidays, when we meet with our families, activity is often much lower than on an ordinary Saturday or Sunday. In summer, some people post dozens of photos and videos from trips, while others take a 'detox from Instagram'. Therefore, it is essential to have a sense of whether a particular day will turn out to be one when phones lie unused.

How to quickly and effectively download a photo from Instagram?
The social media platform Instagram does not provide users with the option to download photos posted by other people – however, saving them to the gallery is still possible! Just a few clicks are enough to have a particular photo on your phone or computer. How to download a photo from Instagram quickly and easily, using a dedicated application or website? Downloading photos from Instagram – your own Instagram profile allows you to download photos to your phone or computer – but this only applies to photos from your own profile. If you want Instagram photos to be saved in your gallery, you don't need to use any additional applications or websites. Just go to your profile and click on the three-line icon in the top right corner. Go to Settings, Account, and then – Original Photos. It is here that you can enable the option to download photos you have published. Every photo or video you add to your profile will automatically be saved in the gallery. Downloading photos from Instagram – other users' posts Saving someone else's photo in your phone or computer gallery is not as simple as downloading photos from your own posts. Unfortunately, Instagram has not yet provided an option for quickly saving photos published by other users. However, there are certain mobile applications created specifically for this purpose, such as InstaSaver, Downloader for Instagram, or InstaSave, available on both Android and iOS. These applications allow you to download not only photos but also videos or instastories. How to save photos from Instagram using a website? In addition to applications for downloading photos from Instagram, we also have special websites that allow you to save photos from other people's posts in a few simple steps. These include websites like,, or To save a specific photo on your smartphone or computer, simply click on the three dots on the right side of the photo, and then select the 'Copy link' option. In the next step, we open one of the provided websites and paste the copied link into the designated place. That's all – after a moment, the photo will appear in the gallery! Similar to using applications, with a website for downloading photos from Instagram, we can also download videos – such as Instagram reels – and other published files.

8 simple steps to take the perfect selfie on Instagram (without using filters)
Thanks to these few tips, you will take the perfect photo that will attract many followers to your profile. 1. Find the perfect angle for tilting your face. Every face is different, but practically every selfie will come out much better if you slightly push your chin forward and tilt or tilt your head. This will make your face look much better in the photo, regardless of its shape. Pay attention to photos of Instagram stars, they all take photos with a slight tilt or tilt of the head. 2. Natural lighting is your best friend. Whether you have makeup on or not, photos taken in natural daylight will look much better than those taken in artificial light or with a flash. Artificial light emphasizes any imperfections and simply makes the face look worse. The best light is the light that does not fall directly on you from the window, but is slightly away from it. See for yourself what the difference is. 3. Take photos in the morning. In the morning, your face is well cleansed, and makeup is just applied. Your hair is freshly washed and styled. It's the perfect time to take pictures. You will look radiant and fresh. It's worth reaching for the phone then, you will surely be satisfied with the results. 4. Pay attention to the appropriate facial expression. Slightly raise your eyebrows, if you have full lips, gently spread them (but not in a vulgar way), if they are small, try to enlarge them by proper arrangement. Remember to smile slightly, but never make a duck face! 5. Raise your hand. Hold the phone as high as your hand allows. Such a photo angle will make you look slimmer, thinner. The photo will be softer and more natural. Notice that at this angle the face looks much smoother and more aesthetic. 6. Take care of the background. Remember to take care of the background regardless of whether you are taking a photo of the whole silhouette or just the face. There is nothing worse than a photo with a beautiful looking girl and clutter in the background. 7. If you use filters, try to use only one. If you find a filter that perfectly emphasizes your beauty, try to use it for every photo. This will ensure consistency on your profile. The biggest Instagram stars use this trick. 8. Wear glasses. If you don't feel confident in front of the lens, or want to take a makeup-free photo, wear glasses. Both sunglasses and corrective or zero glasses will make you look good. You no longer have to take 400 photos to choose one, wearing glasses always makes a good photo.

How much can you earn on Instagram
The Instagram market is valued at $500 million, and its value is constantly growing, expected to reach even $10 million by 2020. Accounts with tens of thousands of followers seem to have an easy way to make good money. After all, what could be difficult about taking a few good photos? The phenomenon of celebrities promoting products or services is not surprising, but with the emergence of Instagram, anyone can become one of these celebrities, without the involvement of television, talent shows, or YouTube channels. 'Instagram stars,' sometimes called Instagram models, easily collaborate with brands that would like to constantly expand their customer base. In this way, in the background of Jessica Mercedes' photo, there will be a particular watch brand, and Kylie Jenner will be drinking that tea for breakfast. The best of the best on Instagram can even earn half a million dollars for a photo! However, for someone who does not exceed one hundred thousand followers, the rates are also very high, from a thousand to several tens of thousands of dollars per photo. It is certainly the most convenient way to make money for students, as well as a good source of income for moms running a photo blog about motherhood, travelers photographing the world, or athletes constantly motivating others to achieve their goals.

Business promotion on Instagram
Instagram can be a great tool to increase the number of potential customers. Just create an account there, which will be a business account, it can also be linked to Facebook. In the options, you can also change a private account to a business one. Instagram is based on images, so the basis of our promotion here are photos, which should above all be aesthetic and match the profile of activity, appeal to customers. Another important element is also regularly adding content on Instagram - even if our photos are above average, publishing them once every two weeks will not help much in generating traffic on the internet profile. Systematicness and patience are the basis for running such an account. It is also a good platform for exchanging short thoughts with customers - we can also ask various interesting questions allowing the activation of followers. And each of the followers can be a potential buyer of our products. If we want to put a link to the website in the description, let's remember to shorten the links - they look better and are more encouraging to click than long chains of text. It would be good for a business account on Instagram to have some theme - maybe photos always with the same filter, with the same frame, with some specific, matched to the pictures graphics, some one element, which will be a kind of visual identification of our brand and will be replicated in subsequent photos. Instagram should also be stylistically consistent.

Do hashtags on Instagram matter?
Do hashtags on Instagram matter? Hashtags on Instagram do matter a lot for gaining likes and followers on Instagram however only when used correctly. Hashtags have become a powerful tool for increasing engagement with followers and gaining new followers on Instagram. However, many people do not use them optimally, adding too many of them and choosing them poorly. Follow the below tips on using hashtags on Instagram to maximize engagement on your profile. 1. Place hashtags correctly on Instagram. Where is the best place to put hashtags on Instagram? While some influencers add hashtags to the photo description, others prefer to place them all in the first comment. But what is the best method? Socialinsider analyzed 649,895 posts on Instagram from over 6700 business profiles of different sizes to determine which place is best to increase engagement. Interestingly, the size of the account influenced the better placement. Placing hashtags in the comments under the photo is effective primarily for large profiles with over 100,000 followers. If your account has fewer followers, it is better to place them under the photo. 2. Don't use too many and don't use too few hashtags. According to Later, one hashtag means an average of 12.6% increase in engagement. Following this reasoning, the more hashtags, the better. However, intuition strongly fails here and too many hashtags worsen the visibility of the photo. It is not known why using a large number of hashtags reduces the reach. Probably this is the effect of Instagram algorithms treating such a photo as spam. Most users can achieve the best results by using 5-8 hashtags per photo. 3. Create distinctive hashtags. Combine original distinctive hashtags with commonly used ones to increase reach. For example, if you run a culinary profile where you introduce series of dietary desserts, using '#dessert' will not help increase awareness of the new product series or help organize content. Your post would likely get lost among 813 thousand posts using that hashtag. In contrast, if you use '#dessertseries', you will be able to organize all content tagged around a specific campaign and make it easily visible to viewers. 4. Choose appropriate hashtags for the post. In the post, there should be permanent hashtags that specify the content typical for you and the specific product you are presenting. Apart from that, you should use hashtags tailored to the specific post: Industry-specific: Include hashtags related to the industry from which you are adding the post. Check the most relevant hashtags on Instagram tailored to individual categories. Brand-specific: Include hashtags of brands used in the photo. Trends: Use trends in the industry and popular, current hashtags. Check out what the most popular hashtags on Instagram are. Location: Indicate locations where you create campaigns to gain visibility among local users. Track your progress based on the number of views each hashtag cloud on Instagram collected from your posts. To do this, click 'View statistics' in the post, then swipe up to view the number of views from hashtags. Want to stay up to date on all social media? Read our blog and buy the likes and followers offered by us on Instagram.